This is my ritual to healing any sort of pain, guilt, shame, anger, envy, jealousy, etc.
We all have cords of energy that connect us to each other, some of those cords can sometimes become spoiled through negativity/toxicity
Get my breath work meditation, BREATHE, lifetime access for only $37
Timeline Menu
[3:03] Why We Need to Heal Energy Cords
[4:10] What Are Energetic Cords?
[5:00] How Having Many Rotten Cords Can Impact Us
[6:30] True Intention to Fix the Relationship
[7:45] The Actual Ritual for Healing Energetic Cords and Relationships
[11:45] The Two Healing Modalities
[12:20] Ho’oponopono
[16:15] EFT
Aaron Doughty’s Ho’oponopono meditation (do this for 21 days!):
What I use in my ceremonial baths:
Himalayan salt
Magnesium flakes
Dr. Brohners