“Rosie the Riveter” was an iconic image from World War II meant to meant to encourage people to support the war effort. But when Lodge released this pan in March of 2020, they certainly didn’t expect it would coincide with the United States mobilizing to fight another war — namely, a battle against a deadly virus that spread worldwide over the course of only few months. A lot has been said about this tragedy, and also about how people all over the world, including here in the United States, have been making a tremendous effort to fight this deadly disease. And I think this has added some special meaning to this new Lodge cast iron pan. This is a tragedy requiring a massive effort from everyone to defeat this unseen enemy, one that certainly parallels the war effort that gave us the famous image of Rosie the Riveter. And as we do our best to help one another in this modern day battle, we can still use Rosie the Riveter as a symbol and a slogan for our efforts to win against this deadly disease.
We Can Do It!
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