We welcome back the amazing salamanderanagram as he shares yet another great tutorial with us. This time, he makes a Reaktor sample masher that can be used i a number of different ways the mix and mangle your sounds with very little effort. This toll does not use a sample map feature to manage multiple sounds. It allows you to load just one sound at a time, so it is limited compared to some of the more robust options out there. But this is a great tool to have to change up your sounds in a way that is unique and very fast.
In the first half of this lesson the sample looping player is build. The second half is where all the fun bits are added to the mix. Adding MIDI control functionality is what really makes this Reaktor sample masher come to life and what makes it worth using again and again. This is not your typical sample mangling unit, nor is it something that is meant to transform your sounds beyond all recognition. It’s meant to be used in creative ways that can transform a simple sound into a song. Just let your samples loop and make a few changes via your favorite MIDI controller to adjust parameters like start and stop times on-the-fly.