This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter seven of the Photo Restoration with Photoshop course presented by author Janine Smith. The complete Photo Restoration with Photoshop course has a total duration of 3 hours and 53 minutes, and covers evaluating scanned images for imperfections, using the Clone Stamp tool and other Photoshop tools, and addressing common problems and their fixes, starting with the basics (fading, spots, and paper texture) and continuing with more complex challenges (rips, adhesive tape, ink marks, mold, and more)
Photo Restoration with Photoshop table of contents:
1. Fundamental Restoration Techniques and Tools
2. Basic Fixes
3. Fixing Damaged Photos
4. Fixing Stains, Mold Spots, and Other Problems
5. Fixing Exposure Problems
6. Repairing Color
7. Rebuilding and Recreating Backgrounds and Missing Pieces
8. Final Enhancements
9. Start to Finish: Restoration Project