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I appreciate All the love and the Support!!! Embrace and Explore Your Love Life! I will tell you why they do what they do, what your twin flame/ soulmate is thinking and feeling, and what they are not able to express in words. Remember I can not resonate with everyone unfortunately, check your other placements.
ღ~Tarot deck used:
Angel Answers – https://amzn.to/2SLoqj5
Island Time Love Oracle: https://amzn.to/35Eia0c
Gilded Tarot: https://amzn.to/35EBg6I
Radiant Wise Spirit https://amzn.to/2OdlcDd
Moonology Oracle https://amzn.to/2u7FPtf
Thelema Tarot https://amzn.to/2RYE4rg
Rider https://amzn.to/39btoeS
Rider Waite – https://amzn.to/2WL8QoV
Golden Universal Tarot – https://amzn.to/3cjp7rJ
#Horoscope #Zodiac #Cancer #love #Tarot #August #2020 #TarotReaders #Soulmate #TwinFlame #Lovereading #Zodiac #Astrology #TheLawOfAttraction #triggers #passion #return #spiritualgrowth #cupoflove #apology #divine #timing #self #sufficient #ready #ten #fate #faith #hope #believe #receive #highstandards #knowyourworth #destiny #followyourheart #partnership #finaldecision #balance #harmony #newstart #movingon #transition #elevate #happiness