This After Effects tutorial demonstrates how to parent a camera to a Null Object in order to create an orbiting camera. Watch more at
This specific tutorial is just a single movie from chapter four of the After Effects Apprentice 11: 3D Space course presented by authors Chris Meyer and Trish Meyer. The complete After Effects Apprentice 11: 3D Space course has a total duration of 3 hours and 22 minutes, explores key design considerations for working in 3D, and provides step-by-step instructions for enhancing a scene with 3D lights and cameras
After Effects Apprentice 11: 3D Space table of contents:
1. Basic 3D
2. Multi-Planing
3. Animating in 3D
4. 3D Cameras
5. 3D Lights
6. 3D Workflows Between After Effects and Photoshop Extended
7. The Dimensional Stills Technique
8. Sidebars