This is showing connected vehicles in action. There are about nine vehicles driving in the system in connected-vehicle-to-network (C-V2N) configuration. This CV2N system shares SPaT with each vehicle through the iOS / Android Travel Safely app from Applied Information. Also, there is an AccuScan radar system generating virtual basic safety messages (BSMs) for all vehicles (connected and non-connected). This redundant data can be used as a check or validation and to augment the system with additional trajectory data from non-connected vehicles through advanced infrastructure sensors. The virtual BSM data will be used in an Econolite Sky platform to provide BSM / trajectory details for signal control algorithms. About halfway through the video, my orange Honda Element arrives on the southbound approach of Peter Bryce Boulevard at Campus Drive. This was filmed to demonstrate connected vehicle technology at intersections. The location was on the campus of the University of Alabama. Roll tide!
Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal BSM SPaT CV2N Applied Information Travel Safely / Econolite Sky
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