You were probably expecting a story about some successful “entrepreneur” who’s traveling the world in million dollar planes but the truth is I’m not.
Now I know what you’re thinking.
“Most people don’t wake up and just travel the world” and that’s probably true, but I guess it just felt right…Something I just had to do.
Im not even sure how many people actually read this, if you made it this far congratulations, writee taco in the comments or something.
I will say the places i’ve been and the people have met have changed my life forever, I’m documenting this not because I want to show off but more because I want to show my process. The process of having nothing and bringing it to something, maybe I don’t know what that something is but ill find it. Anyways ill stop being poetic now.
Thanks for being here on the journey,
I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you
See you soon,