Would you like to know about me?
I am sumudu.I am graduate from University of Kelaniya Management degree in Accountancy.I did my A/L s in 2011 at Gampaha Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya and got a results of AAB (B for Economics ) with a Z score of 2.0498 and I did my O/L s in 2008 at same school with 9 A ( including ICT & Business & Accounting Studies ).I am going to start my MBA.Currently I am working at pvt sector Accounting field.
I would like to give my experience and knowledge for the students and everybody who like to learn something.
Did you not select for a university ? I know what is your feel at that point.But no worrier you can do lot of things.Jobs and study.After that you can achieve your goals before your friends who was selected to university.If you select university ,you also can do something for your career goals.Exams are not your life.But we should do exam in our life.If you not selected to university you don’t fail your life.you can win your life and look after your parents.
Good luck all
how to win my life
A/L s
O/L s
Jobs and study
PVT degree
Foreign Degree